Friday, October 31, 2008

Jobs, Politics, and Life

Well with just five days to go until the election or is it four? I have to say I have been impressed with Obama particularly. He seems like the kind of passionate, honest, reach across the aisle person we could use in the White House.

I almost laughed when one of the talking heads claimed that he was so far to the left and so unwilling to work with members of the opposite party. The "head" said we should never elect such a person as President. And I thought....

You are partially right and partially wrong. We have had such a person for about eight years who never listened to anyone except those who matched his internal compass as far as direction. I hope the talker is wrong and that Obama will seek a middle ground in working towards a better America and a better global community. Like it or not we are joined at the hip with 6 billion other people seeking employment and other forms of economic improvement. We need to collaborate with many to husband resources and keep heading forward. For my part I am optimistic about the future.

Well I am headed off this morning to a company which consults on elearning. It should be an interesting day. Best of luck to you all regardless of political position. See you at the polls next week. Help a shut-in to vote if you have the time.

Phil Wesel

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